What Does a Research Agreement Do in Civ 5

In Civilization 5, a research agreement is a formal agreement between two civilizations that allows them to share scientific knowledge and research advances. It is an important aspect of the game, as it can greatly benefit players who are looking to advance their technology and gain an edge over their opponents.

A research agreement is typically initiated by one player proposing the agreement to another. The proposal will outline the terms of the agreement, including the research that will be shared and the duration of the agreement. Once both players agree to the terms, the research agreement takes effect.

Under the terms of a research agreement, both players will receive a boost to their scientific research. This boost is calculated based on the combined science output of both civilizations, and can provide a significant advantage in terms of technological advancement. Additionally, if one civilization has already researched a technology that the other is working on, the second civilization will receive a significant bonus to their research towards that technology.

However, a research agreement is not without risks. Once an agreement is proposed, both civilizations are locked into it for a set period of time, and cannot back out early. If one civilization falls behind in its scientific research during this time, the other civilization may gain a significant advantage over them. Additionally, if a player is competing against other players for dominance, sharing research with a rival player may not be the best strategy.

In conclusion, a research agreement in Civilization 5 is a powerful tool that can greatly benefit players who use it wisely. By sharing research and advancing their technology, players can gain a significant advantage over others. However, players must also be aware of the risks involved in entering into a research agreement, and should carefully consider their strategy before agreeing to one.